Album link damaged after renaming folders

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

Album link damaged after renaming folders

Postby Robert » Mon Jan 02, 2006 9:20 pm

Hello nabocorp,

today I tried out the album function and I like it very much. It is easy to use.

But I found out, that the album loses its links to the pictures after renaming the picture directory. That\'s a pity because it makes no sense to store an album and after a while it is unusable because of some reorganizing pictures.

Do you know this point? Are you going to change this?

But anyway: thanks for that good piece of software. I have been using it for a long time to download and view pictures from my digicam. It works fast and reliable.

Happy new year!
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Postby jstartin » Wed Jan 04, 2006 7:33 pm

Unfortunately it seems that cam2pc is not being maintained or supported at the moment, and Nabocorp doesn't seem to visit the forum.

The albums are defined in a file in the cam2pc program directory called "cam2pc.albums", probably somewhere like:
C:\Program Files\cam2pc\cam2pc.albums
And you are right. Once an album is created it is not updated to reflect file name and organisation changes made with cam2pc.

However, it is a straightforward text file and can be edited (make a backup first!).

If you open it in, say, Wordpad you can use the Replace command to change your old folder names to the new ones throughout.
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Postby Robert » Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:27 pm

Hello jstartin,

thanks for your advise. I hope that nabocorp makes cam2pc managing the albums more smart in the future.

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Can Patch yourself

Postby Pieter » Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:15 pm


I would also like some enhanced album features. Assuming you don't move photo's around every day, you can work around this yourself by editing the cam2pc.albums file in the program directory of cam2pc.
This XML file contains all album information. With some search/replace you can easily modify the directories for all photo's of some album.

This is one of the advantages of the cam2pc album implementation. It is an XML file, so you can use it for further processing,...

I made a small perl patch program with some of the things I sometimes do. E.g. When an album is finished, I save an album file (similar to the cam2pc one) in the directory of the photo's, but with relative paths to the photos, that is backuped together with the photos. It's patchy and probably not usefull to others then me. (I coded only those thing that saved me more time than it cost me to write the code)

Of course, when playing with this album file, you want to take a backup and you must close cam2pc before changing the album file.

Hope this helps you.

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Postby Robert » Sun Jan 15, 2006 10:12 pm

Hello Pieter,

thanks for your help.
For sure I do not move my pictures arround every day, but sometimes. After downloading all pictures are in a transfer directory, stored in subdirectories with the download date as name. After a while I "classify" the pictures. That means: delete the bad ons, add some comments and !!!-->add a usefull name to the subdir<--!!! That is the moment the album integrity is going away.

I don't know if I will modify the album file manually. It is not secure enough. One time I forget to change --> the album is damaged. At the moment I copy album pictures in separated directories. By having some 10 GB of pictures this makes nearly no difference for the drive space.

By the way: album functionality was not the reason to by this software. The viewer is fast, download functionality is sery smart and the few modify tools including the comment feature are very helpfull to me.

See you
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