Some notes: user rights, USB auto-connect, thumbnails

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Some notes: user rights, USB auto-connect, thumbnails

Postby panuworld » Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:05 am

I noticed some strange problems/features in cam2pc Freeware version (probably also on the shareware version, too) on my WinXP Pro SP2 workstation:
  1. The thumbnail database is located (by default) under Program Files where regular users have no write access. Workaround: move it manually under user\\\'s Application Data folder. :x
  2. A user cannot add AutoPlay event handlers in XP (no write access to HKLM). So Register cam2pc as event handler cannot work. Workaround: an admin must set the option in his cam2pc, then the event handler will be installed for all users. :x
  3. By connecting a (Nikon) camera which has only recorded sound files on the memory card, you cannot anymore select cam2pc in Autoplay because it does not register itself as Music handler for volume devices. This is more a problem in XP\\\'s way of classifying volume devices by content sniffing. :?
  4. Unplug USB auto-connect device has no effect at least with Nikon E3700 (using USB mass-storage mode). Unmounting with XP\\\'s \\\"Safely remove hardware\\\" is still required after transfer operation. Does that function need that the cam2pc tray icon is active (I didn\\\'t test that case)? -- If yes, then it should be warned. :?
  5. When moving images from folder on SanDisk's LPT CF reader by dragging them to a hard disk folder, the move operation is incredibly slow. I guess that the reason is that cam2pc seem to refresh the browser thumbnails all the time during the move operation and it slows down the reader. :x

[I slightly shortened this too long msg...]
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Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 5:59 am

Unplugging works only with the tray icon...

Postby panuworld » Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:49 am

Unplug USB auto-connect device has no effect at least with Nikon E3700 (using USB mass-storage mode). Unmounting with XP\\\\\\\'s \\\\\\\"Safely remove hardware\\\\\\\" is still required after transfer operation. Does that function need that the cam2pc tray icon is active (I didn\\\\\\\'t test that case)? -- If yes, then it should be warned.

Unplugging the USB device seem to work if the tray icon is active (why it is needed -- I expect that the downloader itself could unplug the device before closing?). However, there is no notification about this requirement when closing the settings dialog (while unplugging is selected without cam2pc running in the background).
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Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 5:59 am

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