cam2pc and Casio EX-Z750 - bug?

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

cam2pc and Casio EX-Z750 - bug?

Postby dt1961 » Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:15 pm


i'm using cam2pc shareware now a long time and therefor a lot of cameras were connected to it. With my last one - Casio EX-Z750 - it isn't possible to delete the pictures after transfering them (I want to move them - not copy).

When i select 'move' pictures it last a very long time because cam2pc tries to delete the pictures after transfering, but it doesn't work. Just copy is possible at the moment.

No, pictures are not secured against deleting.

Another little problem: the first frame of a mpeg4-file isn't shown automatically at thumbnails.

I hope there will be some bugfixing for new digital cameras.

Thank you.
Best regards
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