Order of Exif data shown ...(ctrl-E)

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Order of Exif data shown ...(ctrl-E)

Postby kiig » Thu Mar 03, 2005 9:53 pm

Hi all....
I must admit, - I've been swearing and cursing at Cam2pc for not displaying how much I turn the exposure wheel on my flash,,, :oops: (so I have used Photomechanic or others to check the exif data)... but I just realised that it's there ! :D Just further down the list...

I\'d like to have it somewhere near ExposureBiasvalue, - or flash (fired/not fired), - which is in the top, -and easily spotted.

It's burried way down the list as "flashbias"... and my obvious questions is : Can I change the order ?

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Joined: Sat Feb 05, 2005 8:30 pm

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