MS Virtual Desktop Manager : wallpaper changer not working

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MS Virtual Desktop Manager : wallpaper changer not working

Postby hussonl » Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:32 am

Hi Nabocorp,

I've recently installed the Virtual Desktop Manager (MSVDM) from Microsoft PowerToys on Windows XP (it's allow to have 4 virtual desktops on your computer if you use a lot of softwares at the same time).

The problem is that when I switch from one desktop to an other, the background is replaced by the one selected in the configuration of MSVDM.
After, I can change the wallpaper by using the wallpaper changer feature included in cam2pc , but if I switch again the virtual desktop the default background appear again !
In MSVDM, it's only possible to choose "No background" or to specify a picture, but there's no possibility to let the current wallpaper !

So, can you check if it's possible, in cam2pc, to detect if the desktop is changed and display the cam2pc choosen wallpaper instead of the Windows default wallpaper ?

The XP PowerToys URL is :
and the direct link for downloading MSVDM is

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