Great Program!

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

Great Program!

Postby jack » Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:29 pm

This is to counter the previous anti-cam2pc threads.

This program is terrific. I recently "updated" to a Panasonic digital camera. The download software that came with the camera is worse than useless. I previously had a Ricoh, and the download software for that wasn't bad: it placed each pic, without intervention, into a folder of the date of the pic/s. The only downside was that it wouldn't change the filename - it just went in as "RIMGXXXX".

So, trolling around the net a came across cam2pc. I installed it and after a bit of fiddling around, I have got it to download each into a unique folder based on it's EXIF picture date (you can fully customise the folder names) which I have set up to match my previous Ricoh folders, and even better it changes the filenames to something understandable: eg 2007-12-31_0945-23.JPG.

Just what I have always wanted. But wait, there's more. I also own a Canon video camera that takes stills. After I installed the Canon Camera addin, cam2pc will also download pics from it as well! All I have to do is change the camera type on the downloader screen prior to downloading.

But wait...there's more! I just got a disk full of pics from my Mum of shots from a couple of years ago. I popped it into the drive, in cam2pc browsed to each folder on the CD and it downloaded, as above, all the pics from each folder (I had to do each folder one at a time - no big deal). Fantastic!

I use Picasa for picture org so I have no experience with the rest of cam2pc, but the download function is just superb. This program will be on my computers until I die.

Thanks a lot.
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:17 pm


Postby Ardwych » Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:07 pm

Well, I\'m not so sure. . .

I\'ve just installed c2p on Vista HP and as a good Vista citizen I\'m running it as a limited user. When it starts, c2p throws up its splash graphic - but then Vista puts up a security question. !

Trouble is - c2p\'s splash graphic stays on top of the security warning and I can\'t approve c2p in the warning. !!! Arrrrrgh.

And I don\'t seem to be able to move either aside. A dozen times now c2p has closed after my keystroke guesses. If I click on the graphic the area goes black - and I still can\'t access the permission warning.

For a program with third-point (4.6.1) updates, over a year after Vista\'s public release, this shouldn\'t be happening.

I\'ve got religion, from Vista, and I\'m now not running anything as Admin.

How good is this?
How to fix?
Better start a thread.
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Location: Aus

Postby jack » Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:55 am

Vista? What's that? :D I'll be running XP until it dies like Win98SE did.
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Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:17 pm


Postby Ardwych » Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:56 am

Well, jack, all I can say is that you're a very naughty boy.

In fact, we've all been bad, all these years, running DOS-based Windows up to and including Win98SE, and running NT,2k,XP as administrators. We've all known it's bad practise but we've done it anyway. And it's made a lot of Russians very wealthy. We should have done better.

So now Vista comes along with far better security and we all complain that we\'re being made safe. Waaa, waaa, waaa we go.

Well, it\'s time to enter the adult age of desktop computing. It needs a bit of icacls and takeown during the changeover, but it\'s doable. You\'ll get there sometime. . . :lol:

BTW, I\'ve found Canon\'s ZoomBrowser quite good at lifting photos off cameras and SD cards - and classifying them according to their shot-dates. I\'ve decided that shot-dates is the best primary way of classifying files - and then using an app to classify them more finely. Adobe Organiser is the best-looking so far - but I can\'t get its Watch Folders to auto-update (but that\'s another battle).

File renaming is still a problem and I\'d like to use c2p\'s group naming - there\'s always Bulk Rename Utility - but I just can\'t get it to behave sensibly without repeating itself. Maybe that\'s one of the bugs Jem refers to.. :cry:

[What\'s going on with apostrophes..?]
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