cam2pc 4.6 crashes

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

cam2pc 4.6 crashes

Postby nabocorp » Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:11 am


I am very sorry but all the crashes you are experiencing with cam2pc 4.6. Upgrading our development platform was probably not the best idea we had. But please know that cam2pc 4.6 was beta-tested (both privately and publicly) and that the beta went fine. However, real world usage is quite different...

We have already been working on a couple of crashes. They are available in this not-yet-officially released version:

If you prefer to go back to 4.5.2, I have made the installer available here: ... -setup.exe ... 2-free.exe

I will be reviewing all the crashes mentioned in the posts but please be aware that it is much more efficient to report crashes directly by mail (info at nabocorp dot com) rather that on the forums. In this case, we can give you instructions on how to help us debug the application quicker.

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Postby ScottK » Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:58 pm

Thanks for posting this response.

I don't mind that there are problems with this release. I'm a software developer myself, and I understand - sometimes the real world throws surprises at you that you just don't anticipate during development. I do mind when there appears to be no desire on the part of the developer to deal with those issues that arise. Seeing no info posted for three weeks left me with the impression that we might enter into another year-long period of silence. Simply posting regular (daily) updates letting us know that you are aware of the problems and working on them is enough for me.

I would also suggest that you add a genral support page to the web site, with instructions along the line of what you posted here - instructing people to report bugs via e-mail. In the past, the only evidence I ever saw of you responding to issues was via this forum - I never personally tried to contact you, but have read other posts about people trying to contact you via e-mail and getting no response. So my assumption has been that this was the primary and sole location for getting support and reporting issues. So, a support page directing people on how to report problems would be a great help to most.

Thanks again for letting us know what's happening. I have, unfortunately, had to roll back to 4.5.2 again to get the downloader to work. I will report specifics on what is happening to you directly when I have a chance (probably tonight). I'm looking forward to a brighter future for cam2pc!
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Postby nabocorp » Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:41 pm


4.6.1 has just been upgraded to fix a few more crashes.

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